Wardley Maps BarCamp 2020 Logo

Wardley Maps BarCamp 2020, 29th July

Simon Wardley gave us Wardley maps. It has ignited a spark in many people to appreciate the importance of situational awareness, the strategy cycle and to view strategy and planning from a new perspective.

This event is about bringing a diverse range of people together to share their knowledge and experience. Our hosting platform and event format has proven to be conducive to learning and networking for virtual events we have organised in Germany.

Our BarCamp format encourages collaboration and enquiry. For example, attendees can create a session space independently to host a group discussion. The attendee experience is outlined in this short Hopin demo - creating a session starts at approximately 05:30.

So, join us to explore and celebrate Wardley maps and the mapping community. Join the conversation #MapCamp & #WardleyMaps

BarCamp is a safe environment for all and we will do everything we can to make sure that it is. If you're planning on attending please read the code of conduct.

Pre-Event Presentations
John Boyd and the OODA Loop Ian T. Brown | Video
Why I Love Wardley Mapping Series Holger Gelhausen | Playlist
Warum liebe ich Wardley Maps Serie Holger Gelhausen | Wiedergabeliste


17:00 BST Welcoming Session Holger Gelhausen
17:20 Keynote Simon Wardley
Track 1
Track 2
Human Resources
Track 3
Software Development and Cybersecurity
Track 4
Track 5
Teaching and Learning

Doctrine or Dogma? Challenge Your Assumptions in a Friendly Way!

Erik Schön


Mapping your maturity: How to create contextually-appropriate learning models

Marc Burgauer

Commoditisation and Programming Languages

Rubén Berenguel, PhD


Navigating Uncertainty - Pioneering Habits of Mind

Sonja Blignaut

How Wardley Mapping Fits in my Swiss Army Knife of Sensemaking Tools

Sue Borchardt


Situational Awareness - Understanding the Terrain

Ben Ford

Evolution of Architectural Components in Software Systems

Tom Asel

UN / Mapping / Next Steps

Mark Craddock



Strategy to the People! Using Wardley Maps in support of Lean-Agile Change

Philippe Guenet


Wardley Maps in Software Architecture Reviews

Markus Harrer

My journey through Wardley Mapping ~mistakes mostly~

Krzysztof 'Chris' Daniel

Business, Teaching and Learning Business, Culture and Society Collaboration and Practice Teaching and Learning

BattleCamp: Learning mapping gameplay in a simulated environment

Aleksandar Simovic


Mapping forms of sustainable progress. An experimental workshop on integrating lessons from Gapminder, Wardley maps and Doughnuts

Jakob Jochmann

A Wardley Mapping Listicle

Cat Swetel

Maps as models

Alastair Moore


Business Teaching and Learning

Saving Your Business with Wardley Maps

Cory Foy


Practicing to map based on books/articles; like a book club, but using Wardley maps

Julius Gamanyi

22:30 Retro  
00:00 Event Close  


Intiki gmbh

Main Sponsor

We are delighted Intiki gmbh is underwriting and sponsoring the this virtual event.

We can't emphasise enough how important sponsors are for enabling us to hold the event. Thank you.


BarCamp is a community driven event organised by Holger Gelhausen and volunteers from the Wardley Mapping Community.

To contact the organisers please send an email to hg@intiki.de

Join the Conversation #MapCamp & #WardleyMaps